
LKPD Interaktif Menggunakan Liveworksheet

Salah satu situs online gratis yang digunakan untuk membuat atau menyusun LKPD interaktif adalah Liveworksheets. Situs ini bisa diakses di secara gratis, namun pengguna harus registrasi untuk memperoleh sebuah akun. Jenis soal yang bisa dibuat di situs ini sangat beragam. Guru bisa memilih tipe soal drop-down (letakkan- turun), multiple choice (pilihan ganda), check boxes (mencentang), joint with arrow (menghubungkan), dragdrop (tarik dan letakkan) maupun listening-speaking (Hazlita, 2021). Guru juga bisa menggunakan soal yang telah dibuat pengguna lainnya dengan menyalin link soal tersebut dan membagikannya ke grup WA peserta didik. Kelebihan lain dari situs ini adalah setelah selesai mengerjakan evaluasi, system otomatis akan memberikan skor pada lembar kerja yang dikerjakan peserta didik. Liveworksheets adalah platform dalam bentuk situs web yang menyediakan layanan kepada pendidik untuk dapat menggunakan E-LKPD yang tersedia dan membuat E-LKPD sendiri ...


  PERJALANAN PENDIDIKAN NASIONAL  MENURUT KI HAJAR DEWANTARA      Awal mula perubahan pendidikan terjadi pada tahun 1920, ditandai dengan munculnya cita-cita baru mengenai pembangunan pendidikan. Pendidikan di Indonesia melalui beberapa tahapan perkembangan dimulai dari sebelum kemerdekaan dan setelah merdeka. Tahapan ini menjadi saksi perubahan perkembangan pendidikan di Indonesia sesuai dengan zamannya. Pendidikan kritis bukan sekedar persoalan metodologi pembelajaran di kelas, tetapi sebagaimana Freire maksudkan yaitu melampaui sekolah dan menjadi bagian dari pembebasan masyarakat, yang selanjutnya menggantikan ketimpangan sistemik dengan komunitas dan anak didik yang lebih berdaya, dan karena itu fokusnya yang terpenting adalah bagaimana mewujudkan kesetaraan, demokrasi, politik kebudayaan, pendidikan kritis bagi masyarakat dan anak didik.       Ki Hajar dewantara mendirikan taman siswa di Jogyakarta sebagai gerbang emas kemerdekaan pendi...


THE MUSLIM ENTREPRENEUR Hello and welcome to my first review, we were looking at Oumar Soule’s book, on the title “The muslim Entrepreneur”. This book came out on August   2015. Its about two hundreds and eighty pages. This book became successful quickly and reached the best seller ranks both in the West and in the Muslim world. Honestly, i know this book   because of my lecture. So in this opportunity, i would like to review one chapter of this book.   The chapter is Persistence and Habits. This chapter consist of twenty seven pages with three subs chapter.   The subs chapter are Keep going, The importance of habits, and change your habits.   The first time I read this book, I was very interested in reviewing this chapter, because I wanted to reflect on the activities I had carried out so far. It is not only can we reflect on what we have done, this chapter also contains many lessons and experiences that can be used as role models for my future. There are...


Communication and Success in Completing Study Communicating well is needed for success in the complete process of learning. Communication in its very basic form the transmission of messages between two parties or more. Communication can be a natural occurrence in the daily life of each individual. We communicate even without any intentions since a simple blush is considered a form of non-verbal communication. Communication skills are the ability to use language (repressively) and express information (expressively), and these skills include lip reading, finger spelling, sign language, and interpersonal relations. There are four types of communication: verbal, written, non-verbal, and mediated communication, but the two most important areas are verbal and nonverbal communication since they represent the main branch, in a sense that some categories tend to overlap under other categories. Oral communication is a type of communication process through the mouth using words, language and...


The Advantage Of Education For Humans Many people think that education is very important for humans. We all appreciate that education is extremely important and crucial to our lives but it is also clear that not everyone can receive the level of education they have a right to. This leads us to divide people into two groups, educated and uneducated people. Both of these types of people have their advantages and disadvantages which can be evaluated in terms of economic power, social status and mentality. Jitendra Kumar Sahu (2013)  argued that The education is the base of humanity’s development, without education a human being is just like any other animal. This opinion is strengthened by the success of a person with education. Education makes a person can think logically. Knowledge of an educated human is different with the uneducated. Educated men who know what good it does. Education train a person's skills to improve the quality of himself.  Skills reliable make someone ...