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Hello and welcome to my first review, we were looking at Oumar Soule’s book, on the title “The muslim Entrepreneur”. This book came out on August  2015. Its about two hundreds and eighty pages. This book became successful quickly and reached the best seller ranks both in the West and in the Muslim world. Honestly, i know this book  because of my lecture. So in this opportunity, i would like to review one chapter of this book.  The chapter is Persistence and Habits. This chapter consist of twenty seven pages with three subs chapter.  The subs chapter are Keep going, The importance of habits, and change your habits. 

The first time I read this book, I was very interested in reviewing this chapter, because I wanted to reflect on the activities I had carried out so far. It is not only can we reflect on what we have done, this chapter also contains many lessons and experiences that can be used as role models for my future. There are several things that I take as part of a very influential part in this chapter. The first is the most important attribute in Islam is perseverance. Here explains that persistence is an attitude to keep going no matter what happens. The more successful you are, the more resistance you may find. If related to the activities that I have done so far, I should be more confident and keep going whatever happens. In the activities carried out 7 days, I still have some obstacles that make me stop doing it. As in the case of sewing, I did not start to try to sew from the beginning, I was not confident in my ability to sew. I should have done it from day one, so I kept trying until I could, even though in the process I had to experience failure or the results that I sewed didn't match what I wanted. The key to success in facing challenges is perseverance. Whoever survives will win in the long run.

Alright, continue to the next note, Remember that one of the names of Allah is Al-Razzaq, the Provider, and He gives to whoever He wants. So you have to realize that nobody is specific. All that we have was given to us, as an opportunity to do good. So every servant of God is given the same opportunity to do good. In those 7 days, I have tried to do good, starting from the closest person like my cousin who lives next to my house. Help and direct him on how to register try out. This might seem small, but it means a lot to them. Doing good like Stopping the motorcycle and waiting for someone who goes across the street is something we can do to help make it easier for parents to cross. Most motorists go fast, when we stop, others will follow.

This was a very touching part in this chapter. Avoiding making the same mistake twice is knowing who our enemies are. The enemy from within is Satan (Satan), who distracts us, he makes us forget things and makes us lazy. If you start something and fail, be honest and ask yourself. This really reflects the life in the real world that we often experience. We should avoid making the same mistakes. Many things are sometimes not useful but have distracted us. But mistakes are lessons if we learn from them. As with daily updates, I shouldn't spend a lot of time on useless things.
The next part is very useful and can change our mindset about the importance of habits. Character is how you really are when no one is around you. Habit is something that you do repeatedly. All the activities that I do on daily updates have become a habit, and I have just done them. The environment greatly influences our habits. Like waking up Brush my teeth, ablution and praying have become a habit. That is why it is very important to have a good environment for you and your family; good Islamic environment. You will always pick up the habits of the people around you. Rich people get rich by doing boring things. They tend to have the same routine every day. In this chapter explains how habits affect one's personal development. Habits can also change one's priorities.

Next in this chapter also discusses consistency. Consistency is associated with Islam, in Islam has been taught about consistency that is very basic, namely the five daily prayers. We do the same activity, at the same time, repeated every day. Here I am very aware, how beautiful Islam with all aspects of life. So consistency habits are built, which is why Muslim entrepreneurs have extraordinary advantages. If related to the daily updates, there are some things that I have not been consistent in doing. I love trying new things every day. Here makes me realize that consistency is very necessary, if we focus on one thing, then that thing will become big and develop well.

The next habit that can be emulated is never spending money generated for things that are not useful. Although I do not have an income or business that is running, but I will reflect on the allowance given by parents. I shouldn't spend money on useless things, like hanging out with friends and buying food that isn't actually needed.

Avoid TV and anything that wastes time on social media for the same reason. If it's not useful, then you don't need to know. Avoid the negativity. Well this note is very important too, I still often spend time scrolling social media. Because now the lecture process is also through social media. I spend more time using WhatsApp than Instagram and other social media.

Overall, this book is very full of lessons and experiences. Highly recommended to Muslims who want to build an entrepreneurial spirit according to Islamic teachings. In this book there are also some hadiths and verses of the Koran about how to become entrepreneurs according to Islamic teachings that maybe we all did not know before. This book's perspective is from the author himself, he has discussed with many successful Muslim entrepreneurs. The principles of success for Muslim entrepreneurs in this book are very useful and can also be applied. The language used is easy to understand and relates it to life in general. A lot of advice and encouraging sentences also motivate us to continue to strive to become better human beings. I highly recommend to read this book, one chapter is full of lessons and experiences, what about the other chapters?
In my opinion, the weakness of this book is that the variation of writing used is very lacking, it might be better to give different forms of writing for each quote that can be understood and quoted by readers easily. Thus the review of the book chapter and daily updates that I do, hopefully can be useful for all ..


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