LKPD Interaktif Menggunakan Liveworksheet

Salah satu situs online gratis yang digunakan untuk membuat atau menyusun LKPD interaktif adalah Liveworksheets. Situs ini bisa diakses di secara gratis, namun pengguna harus registrasi untuk memperoleh sebuah akun. Jenis soal yang bisa dibuat di situs ini sangat beragam. Guru bisa memilih tipe soal drop-down (letakkan- turun), multiple choice (pilihan ganda), check boxes (mencentang), joint with arrow (menghubungkan), dragdrop (tarik dan letakkan) maupun listening-speaking (Hazlita, 2021). Guru juga bisa menggunakan soal yang telah dibuat pengguna lainnya dengan menyalin link soal tersebut dan membagikannya ke grup WA peserta didik. Kelebihan lain dari situs ini adalah setelah selesai mengerjakan evaluasi, system otomatis akan memberikan skor pada lembar kerja yang dikerjakan peserta didik. Liveworksheets adalah platform dalam bentuk situs web yang menyediakan layanan kepada pendidik untuk dapat menggunakan E-LKPD yang tersedia dan membuat E-LKPD sendiri ...


Communication and Success in Completing Study

Communicating well is needed for success in the complete process of learning. Communication in its very basic form the transmission of messages between two parties or more. Communication can be a natural occurrence in the daily life of each individual. We communicate even without any intentions since a simple blush is considered a form of non-verbal communication. Communication skills are the ability to use language (repressively) and express information (expressively), and these skills include lip reading, finger spelling, sign language, and interpersonal relations. There are four types of communication: verbal, written, non-verbal, and mediated communication, but the two most important areas are verbal and nonverbal communication since they represent the main branch, in a sense that some categories tend to overlap under other categories. Oral communication is a type of communication process through the mouth using words, language and tone. It involves conversing with one another and can be done through direct communication, face-to-face, or indirect communication such as telephonic conversations. There are different types of oral communication: speeches, presentations and, discussions. Non-verbal communication consists of three types: audience awareness, personal presentation and body language. Commonly, cues which include gestures, facial expressions and eye contact become part of the communication process. Since written communication is a subset of non-verbal communication, it is often not categorized on its own. 
On the other hand, written communication reports on what writing is, how writing gets done, and what writing does in the world, consistently providing readers with new research findings, new theoretical concepts and new ways of understanding how writing is practised in schools, workplaces and communities. Formal or media communication, also known as Computer Mediated Communication (CMC), is defined as the type of communication transaction . Effective communication requires paying attention to an entire process, not just the content of the message. When you are the messenger in this process, you should consider potential barriers at several stages that can keep your intended audience from receiving your message.
Be aware of how your own attitudes, emotions, knowledge, and credibility with the receiver might impede or alter whether and how your message is received. Be aware of your own body language when speaking. Consider the attitudes and knowledge of your intended audience as well. Diversity in age, sex, and ethnicity or race adds to the communication challenges, as do different training backgrounds
Communication like a dynamic process which need of mind and courage to face the other and convey his/her massage in effective way. Communication process is successful when we deliver the massage in clear and understandable way. Effective communication need to convey and accept his/her massage in all kind of situation and circumstances. Effective communication happens when a complete message is sent and fully received and understood by an audience. Good communication is about getting the right message to the right person in the right medium at the right time. Depending on the nature of the message and audience, the audience may then have the opportunity to engage in a productive discussion of the message.


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